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Economic Development Week May 9 to 15, 2021 

Communities across North America celebrate the second week of May each year, using it as a platform to inform local businesses and residents on the contributions of economic development. We are currently updating our webpage with resources for you to use in engaging your communities. 

  • Look for updates next week and linkages to new Saskatchewan-based materials as well as those provided by the International Economic Development Council.
  • Send us your #EconDevWeek events including pictures and we will share online and via social.
  • Stay tuned for the launch of Connected Saskatchewan during #EconDevWeek
  • The preliminary program for this year's Saskatchewan Economic Development & Leadership Forum will also be released during #EconDevWeek. Our two-day format will feature live international keynote and breakout sessions during the mornings with the opportunity to take in discussion/networking roundtables and pre-corded sessions each afternoon. Bookmark November 24-25 in your calendars!

Ireland and Italy are bringing rural back to life

Ireland turning vacant rural buildings into remote hubs

Italy is reviving 2000 abandoned hamlets



Recreation Authority opens 'Silly Walk' trail

This seems like a cost-effective approach to socially distanced exercise for the entire family.  Read more



How one city is expanding economic development by investing in business districts

Akron Ohio realizes the importance of place to support small businesses. Read more



The Art of the Impossible

There is no time like the present to get more "impossibles" under our belt!  Find out how here with best selling author Steven Kotler

Upcoming Events

April 21 Community Futures Sunrise "Arrival of the Inevitable"

April 21 AgWest Speaker Series: Curtis Frank, CEO Maple Leaf Foods

May 4-5 (mornings)  Saskatchewan Agri-value Forum

May 4, 1:30 pm SEDA AGM

May 5,12,19,26 Marketing Master Class Series: 

May 9 to 15 Economic Development Week

November 24-25 Saskatchewan Economic Development & Leadership Forum



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It always seems impossible until it is done.   Nelson Mandela


SEDA Newsletter Archives can be accessed here.