Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance where success is shared
'Where Success is Shared' - Award Nominations Deadline October 1

Summer is a great time to reflect on all your activity and accomplishments of the last year. Download the 2021 Awards of Excellence Nomination packet and submit by October 1.

Employment Opportunities

New posting now online for a Consultant at MDB Insight as well as employment opportunities with Town of Gravelbourg and Town of Eston.  Visit our Job Seekers page here.

Stories from the Field

Ocean man First Nation completes two solar energy projects

Inclusive recreation at Regina Beach with water access for mobility impaired

New partnership to facilitate inclusion of Indigenous groups in agriculture

Assiniboia starts construction on $15.7 million recreation complex

Sask made Indigenous products hit shelves at Sobey's

A Must Read
A Must Read
If you missed Industry West's Spring 2021 issue, take time to access the digital edition. It provides a comprehensive picture of Saskatchewan's economic drivers and opportunities in the agriculture and resource sectors.
Access IW Spring Issue
Innovation is the new norm: you may need to hire a "Rare Breed"
Innovation is the new norm: you may need to hire a "Rare Breed"
Rare Breeds value truth and individuality over conformity. They are out of the ordinary and outspoken, unapologetically moving in one direction while the herd moves in the other. Rare Breeds are the ones who realize visions other people insist are impossible.
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Effective Marketing Campaign
Effective Marketing Campaign
The “Vilnius, amazing wherever you think it is” is a campaign that aimed to demonstrate the modern spirit and sense of humour of this somewhat unknown European city, without using traditional destination advertising formulas. It turned a disadvantage into a strength and focus of their campaign.
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Are you a bird friendly community?
Are you a bird friendly community?
Attracting nature lovers could be part of your tourism or resident attraction strategy. Nature Canada now has a Community Certification Program available
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Sell City - Move to Rural
Sell City - Move to Rural
The Town of Langenburg is capitalizing on the trend of the past 18 months and has launched a social media campaign to attract residents and businesses.
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