Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance where success is shared
Employment Opportunities

City of Swift Current is hiring a Business Development & Tourism Officer. Applications accepted until January 30.

City of Prince Albert seeking an Economic Development Manager Applications accepted until position is filled.


Stories From the Field

New Tire Recycling Facility Coming to Moose Jaw

Gravelbourg Shuttle Services Wins Raise the Barn Grand Prize

Get Your Tickets Before Next Week
Get Your Tickets Before Next Week
Tickets are still available for next week’s ᐱᒫᒋᐦᐅᐃᐧᐣ pimâcihisowin (livelihood) summit 2023 at Dakota Dunes Resort. Presented by the Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network in partnership with Indigenous Services Canada, the summit will feature speakers from around the country, with opportunities to learn and network with Indigenous leaders, business owners, and investors.
Stemming Food Waste is a Win-Win
Stemming Food Waste is a Win-Win
A program that brings agriculture full circle is helping grocery stories reduce waste and save money, while simultaneously easing the burden of rising feed costs for livestock.
Community Meets Co-operative for Childcare in Southwest
Community Meets Co-operative for Childcare in Southwest
To support the local economy, a group of residents in southwest Saskatchewan hatched the idea to create a licenced daycare co-operative, with the Town and Rural Municipality of Maple Creek and Nekaneet First Nation all working together. The new facility will have room to add 42 spaces for the area.
 Working Together to Connect Waldheim
Working Together to Connect Waldheim
Partnerships can be powerful, and the story of getting reliable and abundant high-speed internet in Waldheim shows what can happen when the industry, government, and people work together.
Upcoming Network Events

January 18: A Path to Healing Webinar, Community Futures Visions North

January 24: Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network ᐱᒫᒋᐦᐅᐃᐧᐣ pimâcihisowin (livelihood) summit 2023

March 14-16: SARM Convention

April 16-19: SUMA Convention

April 25: SEDA Annual General Meeting

October 11-12: SEDA Provincial Summit, Saskatoon Inn


Members - submit your upcoming events to

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