Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance where success is shared

Employment Opportunity City of Swift Current

Officer Business Development and Tourism - apply by April 18

RFPs for Indigenous Innovation Initiative
RFPs for Indigenous Innovation Initiative
Applications are open until Wednesday, April 12 for projects providing bold and innovative solutions for the reclamation or revitalization of Indigenous culture and advancing Indigenous gender equality. The website includes FAQs, webinars, and details on submitting an RFP.
CRTC Seeking Input on Modifying the Broadband Fund
CRTC Seeking Input on Modifying the Broadband Fund
The CRTC has launched a consultation to review the Fund, and examine how it can better support access to high-quality, affordable Internet and mobile wireless services in areas that are underserved, including in Indigenous communities. You can use the online form to provide input to how the CRTC can improve and expand the Fund. The deadline to send your comments is Friday, July 21, 2023.
Congratulations to SMA Winners
Congratulations to SMA Winners
The winning projects for the 16th Annual Saskatchewan Municipal Awards were announced last month. The four innovative projects represent work from eight municipalities. Winning rural municipalities received their awards at the SARM convention, and winning urban municipalities will receive theirs at the upcoming SUMA convention. Videos highlighting the project are scheduled to be released Thursday, April 20.
Local Governments Need Entrepreneurial Strategies to Support Rural Futures
Local Governments Need Entrepreneurial Strategies to Support Rural Futures
A 2023 report shows that the realities of local governments have changed dramatically in the last few decades. It examines the challenges and opportunities this order of government faces, and how they are dealing with them.
Dramatic New Lives for Old Gas Stations
Dramatic New Lives for Old Gas Stations
Revitalizing brownfield space can seem daunting, but a project in Seattle shows that with a little creativity these spaces can bring plenty of “colour” to a community.
Upcoming Network Events

April 16-19: SUMA Convention

April 25: SEDA Annual General Meeting

April 26: Ways to Do Food and Grocery in Smaller Centres

April 27: Saskatchewan Agrivalue Forum

May 8-13: Economic Development Week

June 21: Public Sector Innovation Show Saskatchewan

June 27: Economic Development Excellence Awards Nomination Deadline

October 11-12: SEDA Provincial Summit, Saskatoon Inn

Members - submit your upcoming events to

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Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance
With respect and gratitude, we serve Treaty 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 territories, the ancestral lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota and Nakoda peoples, and the traditional homeland of the Métis.
©2022 Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance. All Rights Reserved.
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