
Useful Website Links

  • Imagine Canada: a national charitable organization who supports and strengthens is Canada’s charities and nonprofits.
  • Imagine Canada’s Nonprofit Library: The largest online resource centre for people who work in Canada’s charities and nonprofits
  • Canadian Directory to Foundations & Corporations: The most accurate funding research tool in Canada, the Directory is a bilingual database with detailed, searchable information on thousands of Canadian funders.
  • Imagine Canada’s Standards Program: launched in May 2012! Designed to strengthen public confidence in the charitable and nonprofit sector, the Standards Program is among the first of its kind at a national level. It offers accreditation to charities and nonprofits that can demonstrate excellence
  • Non-Profit Organizations – Public Legal Education Association

Best Practices:

In the Subscribers Only Section you will find:

  • The Non-profit and Voluntary Sector in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the Territories: Regional Highlights from the National Survey of Non-profit and Voluntary Organizations
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