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Workforce Development
A community's development system has three mutually dependent legs. The interaction among the three legs of the triangle shown here are extremely important.
Community & Economic
Development System
(demand for labour)

Human Development (education) System
Workforce Development System
(labour supply)
National data and links:
- Use the Working in Canada Tool to produce a report on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on an occupation and a location. The Working in Canada Tool pulls information from a variety of Government of Canada sources.
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada develops projections of future labour demand and labour supply by broad skill level and by occupation, using the models of the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS). These projections allow for identifying those occupations that are likely to face shortage or surplus of workers over the medium term.Users can search for occupational summaries, more detailed data and technical documents on the results or the methodology used to do the projections.
- Essential Skills provides free and easy-to-use tools to help learners, employers and practitioners take action on Literacy and Essential Skills.
- Based on National Occupational Classification (NOC) content, the Job Descriptions : An Employers Handbook can help users develop job descriptions to hire employees, evaluate employee performance and identify training needs.
Video: “Connecting the dots between Education, Workforce and Economic Development”
- Tele-working is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours. The daily physical commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links The practice of teleworking continues to grow in North America. Organizations, particularly private sector enterprises, are becoming more distributed, and the actual locations of their employees or members are not as important as they once were. .
- The Telecommuting Calculator by ITBusinessEdge and the Interactive Cost Benefit spreadsheet courtesy of Telework Australia can assist in potential cost-benefit analysis.
In the Subscribers Only Section you will find:
- Aligning workforce development and economic development
- Regional workforce strategies
- Strategies in attracting and retaining talent
- Examples of labour market strategies, needs assessment studies and community capacity assessments
- Key work drivers of the next twenty years
- Building workforce in the digital economy