City of Prince Albert

Member Details

Prince Albert is the third largest City in Saskatchewan. Located in the broad valley of the North Saskatchewan River near the geographical center of the province where the agricultural prairie of the south and the rich forest belt of the north meet. Much of Prince Albert is built on the sloping south bank of the North Saskatchewan River while the north bank provides a spectacular view of mixed forest typical of northern Saskatchewan.

Prince Albert functions as a service retail and distribution centre for northern Saskatchewan’s resource industries – mining forestry and agriculture. It is anticipated that this function will continually be enhanced by increased northern resource development. A well developed highway system links Prince Albert with surrounding areas. The City is also the focal point for Northern Saskatchewan’s railway network.

Contact Information
1084 Central Ave , Prince Albert, SK S6V 7P3

Nicholas Thomas, Economic Development Coordinator
Carolyn Carleton, Economic Development Manager
Craig Guidinger, Planning and Development Services Director
Sherry Person, City Manager
Greg Dionne, Mayor
Terri Mercier, City Clerk

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