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Discover the SEDA Advantage!  Review our membership benefits here.
All memberships are annual and are renewed based on the anniversary date of the initial subscription. Determine which of the following membership categories is most suitable for your organization and pay online. This fillable PDF Form may be utilized to send in your payment via Canada Post.
Individual Membership $359 + gst = $376.95 Register & Pay Online

Voting membership for one individual. No corporate recognition.

Organizational Membership $495+gst= $519.75 Register & Pay Online

Applicable to non-profit organizations not operating as municipal or First Nation entities. Includes 2 voting members plus an UNLIMITED number of non-voting members(staff,board members).

Note: Chambers and Business Improvement Districts located within an municipality holding a current SEDA membership will receive a 25% discount. Please contact the SEDA office for an invoice at seda@seda.ca

First Nation and Municipal Membership $359 + gst = $376.95 Register & Pay Online

Applicable to individual First Nations, Municipalities and/or their respective Economic Development Organizations. Includes 2 voting members plus an UNLIMITED number of non-voting members (economic development staff; elected leaders, board members).NOTE 1

Population LevelsMembership
0 – 5,000$359+gst = $376.95
5,000 -10,000$495+gst = $519.75
10,000 – 50,000$649+gst = $681.45
50,000 and over$803+gst = $843.15
Basic Corporate $396+ gst = $415.80 Register & Pay Online

Private, for-profit businesses that have an interest in the advancement of community economic development in Saskatchewan. Two named representatives of the business shall have all the privileges of SEDA membership including voting powers.

Your corporate website will be added to the Corporate Members section of our website and a business profile included in the online Membership Directory.  We will feature your business once a year in one of our weekly digital newsletters along with a social media post. A business listing is also included in our Annual Report published each April. 

Student No Charge Register Online

Full time students. Registrants will be asked for proof of secondary or post-secondary participation following registration. Non-voting membership.

Strategic Partnerships $5000 to $25,000 annually

Our strategic partners play a key role in supporting SEDA’s mandate and services.  In addition to the privileges of membership, PARTNERS will receive partnership benefits customized to meet their needs. Please contact SEDA’s CEO at 306-384-5817 to discuss investing in our services to Saskatchewan communities.

It has been 15 years since I left an economic development role in Saskatchewan to continue my career back home in Ontario. In maintaining my connections to the prairies, I have remained impressed by how SEDA consistently stays ahead of the curve in our industry.  Their forward-thinking approach and commitment to strategic initiatives is not just keeping up with the trends but is shaping them.  

 Shelley Hirstwood, Director of Business Development, Kingston Economic Development

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