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A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses that exceeds the local capacity to respond, and calls for external assistance.

Our three part TOOLKIT connects disaster management functions with economic principles to identify key issues and suggested action planning.  Wherever possible, resources and contacts specific to Saskatchewan has been included. This information will be updated as changes in our provincial emergency management and economic environment occur. Realistic and coordinated planning will reduce duplication of efforts and maximize response and recovery efforts should an incident occur. 


Advance planning will enable the community to respond to an incident quickly and effectively, minimizing long term economic impacts. 

Toolkit I Components:

  • Guidebook to use in conjunction with the Government of Saskatchewan accepted nine step emergency planning guidelines.  PDF
  • Economic Resilience Checklist to further proactive planning and discussion in your community. PDF
  • A Business Resilience Workbook for use by individual businesses. Word  PDF


Response focusses on addressing the immediate short-term effects of a catastrophic event. The timing and duration of response efforts will be unique to each situation. There is generally an overlap between response and recovery phases.

Toolkit II Components

  • Response Guidebook PDF to use in conjunction with the Government of Saskatchewan accepted nine step emergency planning guidelines. The workbook focuses on:
    • Setting up an Economic Recovery Task Force
    • Establish a Business Recovery Centre (BRC)
    • Communication strategies to launch in the Response Phase
  • Business Recovery Workbook for use by individual businesses. Word  PDF
  • Key Contacts List
  • The following resources can be used to assist impacted residents and businesses. Contact information for agencies is also located in the above Key Contacts List.
For Employers For Employees & Job Seekers For Youth General
Government of Saskatchewan Human Resource Guide for Small Businesses provides step by step guidance and templates.
Post jobs SaskJobs.ca
SERVICE CANADA Central Site provides online help in associated areas
Refer to key Contacts List for Disaster Cleanup Companies
Workplan Sample 1 and Sample 2


The Recovery Phase refers to the long term restoration of economic functions in the community such as government, industry and individual/households  It typically involves the development, coordination, and implementation of operations, services, infrastructure, facilities, and programs. Recovery can be measured in weeks or months. Long-term recovery is measured in the years following an incident.

Toolkit III Component

A Recovery Guidebook PDF to use in conjunction with the Government of Saskatchewan accepted nine-step emergency planning guidelines. This component focuses on five core steps to long term recovery.

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