Climate change is real and irreversible. Associated social and financial impacts continue to rise.
Utilizing best practices from the many forerunners, who have by necessity, engaged in socio-economic recovery, SEDA has provided a planning framework for local business and community leaders to develop economic preparedness and recovery strategies for their own community.
We bring community stakeholders together to prepare for and protect themselves against events such as pandemics and man-made or natural disasters. Experience in other jurisdictions has illustrated that preparing businesses and organizations for potential interruptions and mitigating impacts on private and public infrastructure, can accelerate economic recovery when significant events occur.
This workshop connects disaster management functions with economic principles to identify key issues and suggested action planning. The Province of Saskatchewan’s nine step emergency planning process is embedded in the workshop as well as the planning templates that are provided.
In person and virtual delivery options are available for group sessions.
Participants receive a manual and planning worksheets.
Workshop facilitated by Carey Baker PCED.SK, Ec.D, RMA, Pro.Dir, MCIP RPP.
Contact the SEDA office at 306-384-5817 or by email at for more information.
A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses that exceeds the local capacity to respond and calls for external assistance.
Program Sponsor