Economic Development Online
Available to SEDA Members, Economic Development Online is an extensive library of best practices, tools and templates that can be accessed directly at www.ecdevonline.ca Find documentation on successful practices and templates from communities, regions and experienced development specialists.
Tools and Templates are accessible via FIVE GATEWAYS:
Getting Started
Finding Money – featuring a funding search engine
Special Interests
The Library
DIY Guidebook Series
SEDA Members may email the SEDA office at seda@seda.ca to request electronic copies of the following:
- Community Needs Assessment: Getting Started
- Community Resource Mapping: Getting Started
- Planning Essentials: Economic Development Plan and Project Development Guidebooks
Non-Members pay purchase our Guidebooks HERE.
SEDA Sponsored Research
Responses to the 2021 Community & Organization Salary Survey are captured in a summary infographic HERE.
SEDA members may request the 2015 Business Threshold Analysis for Rural Areas and Small Urban Centres by contacting the SEDA office at seda@seda.ca
Download the STEPS TO SUCCESS CHECKLIST for new community and economic development professionals.
Visit our PATHFINDING page for links to valuable organizations and websites..