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  5. ThriveSask Program


The ThriveSask Program is designed for urban communities with a population less than 5,000.  It aims to harness the social, economic, physical, and cultural assets that set a place apart, and ultimately leads to tangible outcomes that benefit the entire community or region.  


Delivery options:

First Impression Assessment and Community Activation.

Suitable for one community. Two days required.
    1. A team of a minimum of two professionals will spend the first day in the community and undertake a First Impressions assessment.
    2. The second day, community representatives will participate in a full day planning session. A combination of short and long term action items will be determined and responsibilities assigned.
    3. An assessment and action plan will be sent to community leaders following the community planning session.

    Coming fall of 2025: ThriveSask Bootcamps.

    Suitable for multiple communities. Two days required.
    Held in a host community, the bootcamps will walk participants through the four program modules(pillars) and benchmarks under each pillar.  Worksheets provided.
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